Genre analysis of the Introductory Move in the Military Press Release

  • Farhan Ali M.Phil Applied Linguistics, Visiting Faculty Member, National University of Modern Languages, Karachi
  • Mehwish Salman Raza M.Phil Scholar, Department of English Language, Iqra University, Karachi
  • Abila Khan M.Phil Scholar Department of English Language Iqra University, Karachi


In today's digital age, press releases have become a vital tool for organizations to share official announcements and noteworthy developments with the public. They serve as a primary source of information for media outlets, broadcasters, and particularly for English for Specific Purposes (ESP) learners and academics. A comprehensive research study, employing a mixed-methods approach, analyzed the structure and language use of military press releases, examining the frequency, linguistic features, language conventions, and significance of specific elements. he study's results have extensive implications, benefiting multiple groups such as ESP students and professionals, policymakers, curriculum developers, and emerging researchers. By offering actionable insights, this research enables the creation of successful communication strategies, ultimately advancing ESP education and professional endeavors

Key words: Military Press releases, linguistic features, Mixed Methodology, Genre, ESP, ISPR

How to Cite
Farhan Ali, Mehwish Salman Raza, & Abila Khan. (2024). Genre analysis of the Introductory Move in the Military Press Release. Shnakhat, 3(3), 201-213. Retrieved from