Submission Process




Hyperlink for information regarding

Publication fee

Sources of Funding

Submission Process


1- Call for paper


SHNAKHAT follows the Ethical Guidelines for Journals given by HEC, Pakistan


Disclosure and CONFLICT OF INTEREST, correction and retraction of research articles, contribution and consent of each author and any other information

When submitting a manuscript to SHNAKHAT, the authors are always asked to disclose potential conflicts of interest. Ideally, conflicts of interest should be avoided, but in reality, this is not always possible.

Conflicts of interest can be financial or non-financial. Form for Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest does include both financial and non-financial relationships. Only relationships relevant to the study in the manuscript need to be declared. There is no definite cut-off as to how relevant or how much money is involved when a conflict of interest has to be reported. The authors will need to make their judgment, but if it is something that a reader might perceive as can affect the objectivity of the author, it should be disclosed.

If a conflict of interest is not disclosed in a published paper but later found out by a reader and reported to the journal, the journal usually will ask the authors to clarify whether such a claim is true and may ask the authors’ institution to investigate if the research is still credible. Failure to disclose conflicts of interest generally will not lead to retraction of the paper by the journal, but the authors will need to update their disclosure and the journal would publish a correction. However, retractions may happen if journals find that the authors have omitted major conflicts of interest that are likely to influence the study.

Of course, authors are not the only ones who need to disclose conflicts of interest during the publication process. Reviewers and editors are also required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest to the editorial board when handling a paper.


Noble Institute for New Generation (NING) is an educational and research institute, having a research mandate, registered by the Security Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP). It is an independent and self-supporting research and education platform. We are generating funds from the followings sources:

  1. Publication house
  2. Research seminars fee
  3. Coaching Fee
  4. Publication Fee

All these funds are being utilized to provide the best facilities to our researchers, students and educationists.


Guidelines for Authors

Following guidelines are to be followed strictly by the authors:

  1. The manuscripts for publication are required to be in clear, concise, and grammatically correct English.
  2. The manuscript is required to be written in the English language only. However, English translation is required to be provided to incorporate words or text from any other language (indigenous or foreign)
  3. Journal only consider MS word file submission, pdf files are not acceptable.
  4. The manuscripts are required to be written with 12 font sizes in Times New Roman font style. The line spacing should be 1 (one) with a 1-inch margin of the page from all sides.
  5. The font size for the title of the article should be 14 (fourteen).
  6. Abstract and keywords, along with their headings, should be in 12 (twelve).
  7.  Authors' names and affiliations should be written also in 10.
  8. The entire content of the article, along with headings and references, should be in 12. The font style for the manuscript is required to be  'Times New Roman.'
  9. The heading should be bold and indicated in the article with initial capital letters.
  10. The first paragraph after each heading should be without indentation. If the heading contains more than one section, after the first paragraph following sections should be with indentation.
  11. The title of the manuscript is required to be bold with initial capital letters of all the words.
  12. The detail of the authorship is required to be given on the title page along with their  email and affiliations (department, university, city, and country)
  13. The authorship is required to be given in the same order as you want them to appear in the published paper. No change in the order of the authorship is made later.
  14. The whole manuscript, with references, is required to be typed single-spaced on one side of the paper.
  15. All pages should be numbered consecutively in the bottom right starting from the title page.
  1. The following guidelines are required to be followed before reproducing tables and figures from supplementary sources:
    1. Figure numbers are required to be in order, i.e., Figure 1, Figure 2. Figures with multipart should be labelled as Figure 1(a)
    2. All the tables and figures are required to be incorporated according to APA format (6th edition)
    3. The table number and title should be mentioned above the table, whereas the figure number and title should be at the bottom of a figure.
    4. Ensure double-checking the references for consistency with the text of the article.
    5. References are required to be indented without space.

Note: The manuscripts that are not prepared in the light of the above-mentioned guidelines may be reverted to the author before reviewing for correction.

The manuscript for publication is required to be submitted in the following order:

Title and Authorship Information 

The title of the manuscript is required to be a brief phrase and in capitalized words that describe the contents of the paper. The Title Page should include the authors' full names and affiliations, the name of the corresponding author along phone, fax, and E-mail information.


The abstract of all the manuscripts should not exceed 200-300 words. The abstract should clearly describe the scope, methods, data collection and its tools, framework, hypothesis or rationale for the work, and the main findings in complete sentences, active verbs. The abstract should be written in the past tense. Standard nomenclature should be used and abbreviations should be avoided. No literature should be cited.


Only 5-7 Keywords are required to be given under the abstract.


This segment should contain adequate background information, provide a clear statement of the problem, the relevant literature on the subject, and the proposed method or elucidation, and the knowledge gap. The aims of the manuscript should be clearly stated. It should be comprehensible to colleagues from a wide-ranging collection of disciplines.

Literature Review

 The literature review should be in a comprehensive review form that gives the information of the literature available related to the given research. It should be a summary, analysis, and evaluation of the literature and an explanation of what research has already been performed in that particular domain.

Methodology/ research design/ framework

This should be complete enough to provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be repeated by others. However, only truly new procedures should be described in detail; previously published procedures should be cited, and important modifications of published procedures should be mentioned briefly. Methodology and framework in general use need not be described in detail.


The discussion should consider the results in relation to any hypotheses advanced in the Introduction and place the study in the context of other work. Results and Discussion sections can be combined. 


Results should be given in a rational sequence in the text, tables, and figures; repetitive demonstration of similar data in diverse forms should be escaped. The results should not comprise a material suitable to the Discussion. It should be written in the past tense when describing findings in the authors' experiments. Results should be explained, but largely without referring to the literature.


The content of this section should not significantly match the abstract. 


Authors are directed to follow APA (American Psychological Association) References style while giving references for Figures (Including Images) and Tables, Figures / Illustrations / Photographs Tables, and Equations while their submitting paper.

 Submission Preparation Checklist

Before submission of your manuscript, please check that:

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in Open Office, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  6. All references cited in the text are included in the reference section.
  7. All figures and tables are cited in the text.
  8. The pages are numbered bottom right side.
  9. Plagiarism Reports is not more than 18% (Turnitin).
  10. Does the paper fall under Journal Scope?
  11. Does Paper have followed Journal Template
  12. Paper is submitted with condition that it has not been published earlier or is not under consideration in any other journal.

Note: In case of failure of the above checklist, the paper is desk rejected and does not process further. If a paper passes the above checklist, it will be further forward for the following review process. Editorial Correspondence should be addressed to :

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, or disseminated, in any form, or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher.


Authors should be prompt with their manuscript revisions. If an Author cannot meet the deadline given, the Author should contact the Editor-in-Chief as soon as possible to determine whether a longer period or withdrawal from the review process should be chosen as an exceptional case.



First Issue


Second Issue


Third Issue


Fourth Issue


Call for Papers





Paper Submission





Review Process






Notification to Authors












Submission of work requires that the piece to be reviewed has not been previously published. Upon acceptance, the author assigns to the SHNAKHAT the right to publish and distribute the manuscript in part or its entirety. The Author's name will always be included with the publication of the manuscript.

The Author has the following nonexclusive rights:

  1. to use the manuscript in the Author's teaching activities.
  2. to publish the manuscript, or permit its publication, as part of any book the author may write.
  3. to include the manuscript in the Author's own personal or departmental (but not institutional) database or online site.
  4. to license reprints of the manuscript to third persons for educational photocopying. The Author also agrees to properly credit the SHNAKHAT as the original place of

The Author hereby grants the SHNAKHAT full and exclusive rights to the manuscript, all revisions, and the full copyright. SHNAKHAT rights include but are not limited to the following:

  1. to reproduce, publish, sell, and distribute copies of the manuscript, selections of the manuscript, and translations and other derivative works based upon the manuscript, in print, audio-visual, electronic, or by any media now or hereafter known or
  2. to license reprints of the manuscript to third persons for educational photocopying.
  3. to license others to create abstracts of the manuscript and to index the manuscript.
  4. to license secondary publishers to reproduce the manuscript in print, microform, or any computer-readable form, including electronic online databases.
  5. to license the manuscript for document delivery. These exclusive rights run the full term of the copyright and all renewals and extensions

I hereby accept the terms of the above Author Agreement.


Author: -                                               Date: -


Editor in Chief: -                                          Date: -



SHNAKHAT follows a double-blind review policy. The articles will be sent to referees (national/international) for blind review. Authors will be informed about the comments of the reviewers and will be required to revise the article accordingly if required.

Note: The Editor/Advisory Board reserves the right to make necessary editorial revisions. Opinions expressed in articles are those of the contributors and should not be attributed to the Department, the Editor or Editorial Board in any way.


Authors should be prompt with their manuscript revisions. If an Author cannot meet the deadline given, the Author should contact Editor Editor-in-Chief as soon as possible to determine whether a longer time period or withdrawal from the review process should be chosen as an exceptional case.

Multiple Submissions

An author should not, in general, publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable.

Authors must not submit to SHNAKHAT the same work, in whole or in part, to two places of publication at the same time, or at any time while the manuscript is under review, or has been previously published. It is also improper for an Author to submit a manuscript describing essentially the same research to more than one place of publication unless it is a resubmission of a manuscript rejected for, or withdrawn from publication. Thus, an author may not submit to SHNAKHAT, a work that is in whole or in part under review elsewhere, nor submit to another publication outlet a work that is in whole or in part under review at SHNAKHAT.

The manuscript must not have been previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere, either in whole (including book chapters) or in part (including paragraphs of text or exhibits), whether in English or another language.


Articles published in SHNAKHAT will be Open-Access articles distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The copyright is retained by the author(s).  SHNAKHAT will insert the following note at the start of the published text:

© 2021 by the authors; licensee SHNAKHAT. This article is open access and licensed under the terms of conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( GUIDELINES

SHNAKHAT is following the HEC (Pakistan) policies regarding Turnitin Originality Report and Plagiarism. Zero tolerance Policy on Plagiarism issue.

 SHNAKHAT aims for original script having 18 or below 18 % Turnitin Originality Report.
HEC relevant Weblinks:

Plagiarism Policy

The little book of plagiarism                                          

Turnitin Guidelines

Tips for avoiding plagiarism

  • Cite all your sources, whether you have read or heard them,
  • Keep full records of every source of information you use including the date you accessed electronic resources,
  • Place quotation marks around any words you copy verbatim and credit the source,
  • Use your own words when summarizing or paraphrasing someone else’s words–but don’t forget–you will still need to reference it!
  • Make sure you check with your Journal which referencing system they want you to use


The publication charges policy of SHNAKHAT has been managed by Noble Institute for New Generation  which a research institute is having a Research Mandate, registered by the Securities Exchange Corporation of Pakistan (SECP). Various Journals are being sponsored by many organizations, societies, and other groups. Owing to such sponsoring and funding, they do not charge any publication charges. Noble Institute for New Generation is neither being funded nor financed by any organization or society. SHNAKHAT is trying to get it indexed by the world best indexing agencies like JCR, SSCI, WOS etc. Our mission is not only to facilitate our local researchers but also to meet international and global academia.

In order to meet such expenses, SHNAKHAT recommends nominal publication charges in comparison to the contemporary journals in the domain. SHNAKHAT provides special financial relief to PhD scholars and young researchers not only from all over Pakistan but also from third world countries. Furthermore, the authors may ask their respective institutes to pay the publication fee, as many institutes facilitate their scholars and researchers. But where author or researcher having no facility or a proper funder. Cogent OA (Taylor and Francis-Informal Group) pioneered a new module of financial contribution to pay the publication charges, titled “Freedom Articles Publishing Charges”. It allows authors to choose how much to contribute towards the publication charges of their research in open access journals.

SHNAKHAT charges in two tiers of the total fee (RS 10,000/-)

  • Article-processing charges (pre-acceptance) –APC-I (45%)
  • Article publishing charges (post-acceptance)-APC-II (55%)

Article submission is totally free. Once the article has been submitted, the author will be sent an acknowledgement of receipt article. Then the article will go through the pre-editorial review that is free of cost. It includes:

  • Scope
  • Plagiarism (as per Journal’s Policy)
  • Basic format
  • Initial grammar and typo check
  • Authors strength
  • Citation style
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • References
  • APA 6

Waiver Policy:

SHNAKHAT designed a waiver policy for the authors as under:

For the authors who want their manuscript to be published and cannot pay a publication fee, Their article can be published under a golden open access model (GOAM). They are required to send a request to the editor for publication under GOAM through email at The waiver requests under GOAM are considered on a need and eligibility basis and may be granted in cases of genuine need.   

Eligibility Criteria under GOAM

  1. The scholars and researchers who have won any national excellence award.
  2. Undergraduates with quality manuscripts
  3. orphan, special persons handicapped
  4. Whose parents and siblings are martyred/ affected by the war on terror.

Utilization of Publication Fee

SHNAKHAT uses the publication fee for maintenance of the journal, peer reviewers ‘fee, advisory body’s dues, editorial work, administrative support, commissioning content, editorial layout, journal development, correspondence with the authors, reviewers and referees, editorial review, double-blind review, foreign and local evaluation.