Fatima Hassan as a Poet: In the Context of Intellect and Art

فاطمہ حسن بطورِشاعرہ:فکرو فن کے تناظر میں

  • Sadia Akram MPhil, Scholar Deptt. Of Urdu, AIOU, Islamabad
  • Dr. Abdul Sattar Malik Lecturer, Deptt. Of Urdu, AIOU, Islamabad


Dr. Fatima Hasan is an important Urdu poet, writer, critic, researcher and educator. If the poetry of Fatima Hassan is studied in terms of topics and subjects, it is felt that her scope of thought is very wide. The accounts of their friends loved ones and relatives, their mutual meetings, social and social relations, academic and literary trends, feminism, the experience of heath, trends such as protest against rituals, rebellion against the exploitative system, opinions on political issues. Such topics are reflected in his poetry. In his poetry, he has tried every genre of poetry, ghazal, poem, verse, prose poem, haiku, naat, , manaqbat. Fatima Hasan's poetry clarifies the various aspects of social and civilized life's bitterness, sufferings and tragedies. He has written poetry by putting his thoughts and feelings in a lyrical harmony and if his poetry is evaluated technically, it is estimated that he has written poetry keeping in mind the technical essentials. Along with fulfilling the requirements of art, they have also adopted a unique color in style. In his expression, the intensity of feeling, the delicacy of feeling is also prominent. Fatima Hasan has her own accent, her own distinct style. In the poem, she expresses her existence through art. Fatima Hassan says the whole thing based on brevity in the poems. The reflection of contradictions is also prominent in his poetry. Fatima Hassan has her own accent, her own distinct style. There is a pause in her expression and large, startling images appear with it.

Key Words: Fatima Hassan as a poet, Topics of Fatima Hassan, poetry, Artistic dimensions of Fatima Hassan, poetry

How to Cite
Sadia Akram, & Dr. Abdul Sattar Malik. (2024). Fatima Hassan as a Poet: In the Context of Intellect and Art: فاطمہ حسن بطورِشاعرہ:فکرو فن کے تناظر میں. Shnakhat, 3(2), 259-271. Retrieved from https://shnakhat.com/index.php/shnakhat/article/view/299