Evolution of Urdu Language and Literature in Arab Countries

بلاد عرب میں اردو زبان وادب کا ارتقاء

  • Parveen Sadiq PhD Scholar Urdu Department International Islamic University Islamabad


Urdu is our national language; it spreads in Arab countries from beginning. Currently Urdu is the most popular language by spoken in the world- widely. According to the latest research Urdu stands on 2nd number in Arab countries and on 3rd number in whole world. Arab and Indo -Pak relationships are very old. The history of world is witness that the ancient Indo – Pak relationship date is back to Pre Islamic times. The Arabs were fond of trade by nature and this trade took the Arabs travelers to all over the world, pre Islam trade was only the source of selling and buy goods but after the spreading light of the Islam the main purpose of trade was to build up relationship with other tribes and   spreading Islam all over the world. Before the Islam, traders used to go to the coasts of India for the trade. History is witness that the connections of Arab and Hind O Pak were Pre-Islamic and post Islamic. When Makran was conquered in 21 A.H during the time of caliph Rashida, it seems the Arab and Indo O Pak flourished the regular political relationships with each other. Islamic methods and traditions began to promote during this era. The Arab and Hind relationships made effects on civilization, cultures, traditions and specially on language. When oil was discovered in the Arab countries, the Arab rulers said welcome to the talent from all over the world with an open hearted. Apart from the rest of the world many Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi people went to the Arab countries and today the world is in wonder to saw the such of masterpieces that created by talented people. The individual strength of Pakistan and India has renovated the Arab countries. And profound effect on the culture and civilization specially on the language side which stands Urdu on 2nd number as a spoken language in the Arab countries. Urdu fiction and poetry has been written in the Arab countries for many years and this Urdu literature is a piece of art.

Keywords-Pre – Islamic, Post- Islamic, Travelers, Trade, Coasts, Flourished, Civilization, Language, Discovered, Open Hearted, Talent, Masterpiece, Individual, Strength Renovates, Widely , Purpose, Ancient,Spreding,Advent,Coasts,Political,Civilization,Flourished,Traditions. 

How to Cite
Parveen Sadiq. (2024). Evolution of Urdu Language and Literature in Arab Countries: بلاد عرب میں اردو زبان وادب کا ارتقاء. Shnakhat, 3(2), 219-226. Retrieved from https://shnakhat.com/index.php/shnakhat/article/view/294