Students’ Readiness for Online English Language Learning: A Study at Undergraduate Level in Public Sector Institutes of Sialkot

  • Ayesha Nawaz MS Scholar, Department of English, University of Sialkot, Pakistan
  • Amna Zahid Chaudhary Lecturer, Department of English, University of Sialkot, Pakistan
  • Shanza Jabbar MS Scholar, Department of English, University of Sialkot, Pakistan


This research endeavors to investigate the student’s readiness for online English language learning at under graduate level in public sector institutes in Sialkot for engaging in online English language learning. With the growing prevalence of online education and the global significance of English language proficiency, understanding students' preparedness for this mode of learning becomes imperative. The study aims to identify factors influencing students' readiness and explore variations across diverse undergraduate programs. The research adopts a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative approach to gather comprehensive insights. The review investigated into existing research on online education, focusing on advantages, challenges, and factors affecting student readiness. By addressing identified gaps in the literature, this study contributes to the broader discourse on online language learning and education. The empirical research has shown that online learning may be implemented concurrently with campus-based learning at public sector institutions in Sialkot. A sample of 135 pupils was chosen from a population of 200 kids. The acquired data underwent both descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. The descriptive analysis findings indicated that all students at the graduate level of public sector institutions in Sialkot thought that online English language instruction would be advantageous. This study endeavour is reproducible, allowing future researchers to further explore this subject. This research holds implications for the enhancement of online education practices, contributing to the academic community's understanding of students' readiness for online language learning, particularly at the undergraduate level in public sector institutes of Sialkot. The outcomes are expected to inform educational strategies, improve instructional design, and foster more inclusive and effective online language learning environments.

Keywords: Readiness, Online, English Language Learning, Public Sector College, Sialkot

How to Cite
Ayesha Nawaz, Amna Zahid Chaudhary, & Shanza Jabbar. (2024). Students’ Readiness for Online English Language Learning: A Study at Undergraduate Level in Public Sector Institutes of Sialkot. Shnakhat, 3(2), 183-211. Retrieved from