The Socio-Economic and Psychological Challenges Encountered by Tuberculosis Patients in Sahiwal Division (Pakistan)

  • Waris Ali Ph. D Scholar Riphah International University Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Noor Ul Ain Shouq Ph. D Scholar Riphah International University Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Dr. Asma Islam* Assistant Professor of Sociology, Riphah International University Faisalabad, Pakistan


Tuberculosis (TB) remains a significant global health challenge, not only due to its medical implications but also because of its profound socio-economic and psychological impacts on affected individuals. There are many Socio-economic and Psychological Challenges involving in social adjustment of TB patients; some of them are health care factors, domestic environment, sexual relationships, extended family relationships, social environment, psychological distress, gender, age, marital status, and education. Knowledge about obstacles in the Socio-economic and Psychological Challenges Encountered by TB patients is very important. The majority of respondents 230 (76.66%) agreed with the statement that there is a relationship between patient socio-economic and psychological challenges. 233 respondents (77.66%) agree that socio-economic and psychological challenges for TB patients are always challenging, while 67 (22.33%) say it's sometimes challenging and sometimes not. A majority of respondents (64.33%) believe that socio-economic and psychological challenges faced by Tuberculosis patients lead to helplessness and social withdrawal, while a smaller percentage (23.33%) disagree. Respondents surveyed on the necessity of socio-economic adjustment for tuberculosis patients, with 70% saying yes, 23.33% saying no, and 6.66% stating sometimes. This research article provides a comprehensive review of the socio-economic and psychological problems faced by TB patients. In light of these findings, the necessity of socio-economic adjustment for TB patients is apparent. The overwhelming consensus among respondents underscores the urgency of implementing comprehensive support systems to address the multifaceted needs of TB patients. This research article serves as a call to action, advocating for a holistic approach to TB care that considers the socio-economic and psychological dimensions of the disease. By acknowledging and addressing these challenges, we can strive towards better patient outcomes and more effective public health interventions.

Keywords: Tuberculosis (TB), Socio-Economic, Psychological Challenges, Healthcare, World Health Organization (WHO), Sahiwal Division.

How to Cite
Waris Ali, Noor Ul Ain Shouq, & Dr. Asma Islam*. (2024). The Socio-Economic and Psychological Challenges Encountered by Tuberculosis Patients in Sahiwal Division (Pakistan). Shnakhat, 3(2), 132-145. Retrieved from