Position of "Sahbiyaat" in the Tradition of Hadiths

روایت حدیث میں صحابیات کا مقام حضرت سودہ رضی اللہ عنہا بنت زمعہ، حضرت شفاء رضی اللہ عنہا بنت عبداللہ، حضرت ضباعہ رضی اللہ عنہا بنت زبیر

  • Dr. Sadna Zeb Assistant Professor Department of Arabic and Islamic studies Women University Swabi
  • Maryam Bibi PhD scholar Department of Islamic Studies, SBB, Women University Peshawar


When Allah Ta'ala intended to create this colorful universe and decided to create the Ashraf al-Mukhluqat man in it and entrust him with the leadership of this world, then He prepared the universe to be used in His service. Allah Ta'ala sent His chosen people, who are called Prophets and Messengers, to convey guidance to mankind. This chain started with Hazrat and ended with Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Allah Ta'ala has made the morals of the Prophet (peace be upon him) a model for people until the Day of Judgment. The Companions of the Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) closely observed every action of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and adopted his Sunnah. He preserved the sayings, actions, and speeches of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) so that the chain of human guidance would continue. Among the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, some Companions also served Islam, whose character will remain a beacon of light for all women in general and Muslim women in particular until the Day of Resurrection. The mothers of the believers themselves narrated the blessed hadiths from the Prophet ﷺ and passed them on to others, and in the same way, a large collection of hadiths was preserved because of these Companions. What and received the honor of Radiyallahu Anhum Wardwa Anhu. There is a great lesson and example for our women in the role and life of these Companions. In this article, Hazrat Saudah bint Zamaa, Hazrat Shifa bint Abdullah, Hazrat Zaba'ah bint Zubair, the life conditions of the three Companions, the narrations narrated from them with correct understanding and interpretation, and from these narrations. An attempt was made to clarify their life as a model for Muslim women by describing the important Sharia issues and orders.

Keywords: Prophets, Guidance, Companions, Preserved, Narrated, Hadiths, Interpretation, Describing, Sharia, Orders.


How to Cite
Dr. Sadna Zeb, & Maryam Bibi. (2024). Position of "Sahbiyaat" in the Tradition of Hadiths : روایت حدیث میں صحابیات کا مقام حضرت سودہ رضی اللہ عنہا بنت زمعہ، حضرت شفاء رضی اللہ عنہا بنت عبداللہ، حضرت ضباعہ رضی اللہ عنہا بنت زبیر. Shnakhat, 3(2), 48-60. Retrieved from https://shnakhat.com/index.php/shnakhat/article/view/275