An Overview of The Bibliography About the Influence of Television Advertising on The Purchasing Choices Made by Young People.

  • Bilal Ahmad Assistant Professor at University of Peshawar


Advertising is essential for the creation, expansion, and upkeep of brands. Commercials have the ability to provide significant benefits for both existing and potential customers by strengthening brand preferences, increasing knowledge, and improving impact. Establishing goals and objectives is of utmost importance in order to assist consumers in forming well-informed opinions about organisations and products. Consumers often demonstrate improved memory of products or brands when they are exposed to celebrity endorsements. This can be linked to the correlation between the brand and the celebrity, which amplifies the ability to remember and recognise. Consumers may see certain products or brands within a specific category differently based on their favourable perception of those brands or things. The customer's view of a brand is primarily based on personal opinions and can be influenced during the buying process. Commonly known as "top of mind placement," this phenomenon indicates the state in which a brand's identity is remembered by the consumer before that of its competitors. Advertising has two crucial roles: helping a business achieve top-of-mind awareness and enhancing brand familiarity. Advertising serves a crucial and essential role in this context. The objective of this research is to analyse the impact of television commercials on the purchasing choices of young customers.

Keywords Commercials on TV, TOMA

How to Cite
Bilal Ahmad. (2023). An Overview of The Bibliography About the Influence of Television Advertising on The Purchasing Choices Made by Young People. Shnakhat, 2(2), 1-8. Retrieved from