A Research and Analytical Review of Islamic Teachings for Interfaith Justice and Welfare
بین المذاہب انصاف اور بہبود کے لیے اسلامی تعلیمات کا تحقیق و تجزیاتی جائزہ
This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of Islamic teachings focusing on their implications for interfaith justice and welfare. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the fundamental principles within Islam that promote social equality, inclusion and the overall well-being of individuals, regardless of their religious background. Drawing on primary Islamic sources, including the Qur'an and Hadith, and scholarly interpretations, this paper explores in depth the Islamic position on justice and welfare in the context of interfaith relations. This paper critically examines Islamic principles, moral guidelines and historical examples that illustrate the importance of justice and welfare for both Muslims and non-Muslims. Particular attention is paid to principles that emphasize shared values, which aim to promote harmonious coexistence among members of diverse religious communities. Furthermore, this paper sheds light on the contemporary challenges facing interfaith relations and justice, offering insights into how Islamic teachings can contribute to conflict resolution and the establishment of social justice. The synthesis of historical perspective and contemporary realities contributes to the ongoing dialogue on interfaith understanding. In summary, this paper examines Islamic teachings as a guiding force for the promotion of justice and welfare in interfaith contexts. highlights the importance. It advocates a deeper exploration of shared values among diverse communities and highlights the potential role of Islamic principles in building bridges, enhancing understanding and contributing to the collective well-being of society.
Keywords: Interfaith Relations, Islamic Education, Justice and Welfare, Conflict Resolution, Religious Communities.